The suggestions below have been developed to aid in your pet’s readjustment upon returning home
Pets suffer from stress similar to people. They have had a very busy & exciting time while away from home. We at Vinjon’s Kennel do everything we can to keep them healthy, clean, safe and content. You can relieve your pet’s stress by following these tips:
- As little as possible to excite your pet. Giving them lots of love and attention completes the boarding experience on a relaxed and secure note for both owner and pet.
- Watch for any symptoms of illness for 10 days after returning home.
- Anytime your pet is in close proximity to other animals, there is a chance of exposure to an air-borne virus. We do our best to prevent any exposure, however, monitoring your pet after a “social situation” is always recommended.
- Feed your pet for 2 hours after returning home.
- Play with your pet rigorously for 2 hours after returning home.
- Allow your pet to drink an excessive amount of water. Try a bowl of ice cubes!
- They will be over-excited upon seeing you and returning home. Immediately offering food or water can upset an already excited tummy. Too much too soon may bring on digestive stress (vomiting and diarrhea).