How do you arrange for placing your cat in a boarding facility?
Stop by your local boarding facility and visit with the owner. Get acquainted with the people who will be caring for your cat. Ask questions – take nothing for granted. Find out if toys or bedding are welcome. Find out about the diet the facility provides. Discuss safety features. Boarding cats requires good security to […]
What options are available for cats?
It is important to remember that cats do not usually travel well. They do not usually enjoy it, nor do they adapt well to travel. A cat must go though an adjustment period in a new environment, and this means that your cat will not look upon your friend’s house as “home” for quite awhile. […]
Selecting a boarding facility
Stop by a boarding facility and visit with the owner. Get acquainted with the people who will be caring for your dog. Ask questions; take nothing for granted. Are toys or bedding welcome? How will your dog be exercised? What will the facility feed my dog? Talk about safety features. Discuss frankly any qualms you […]
What are the advantages of boarding your dog?
The vast majority of dogs adapt well and enjoy their stay at the kennel. For some dogs – puppies which have not had their immunizations, extremely old dogs with chronic illnesses, very aggressive dogs, dogs that require medication more than twice a day – you might consider boarding with your veterinarian, asking your pet care […]